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Important information for your engagement

Make sure to watch this before starting your engagement

Only 5 minutes long

Step by Step Video

This is a brief 5-minute video that walks you through the next steps, providing clear guidance on what to expect and how to proceed. Some key takeaways are outlined below:

Have a Chemistry Session

If you decide to proceed, share agreement

Log all sessions on the Platform

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Terms Quick Recap 

  • Challenges Finding Coaching Clients
    People working towards coach accreditation (through accredited training programmes and up to their first 100 hours of client practice and beyond) struggle to find enough ‘real world’ coaching engagements. They often end up offering a few sessions to contacts of contacts and miss out on longer engagements where there is a clear beginning, middle, and end. It takes a lot of time and effort to find even these clients, and the coaches really appreciate our service of potentially matching and connecting them with clients.
  • Training Providers Lack Clients
    Coach training providers don’t tend to find practice clients for their coaching students.
  • Knowledge Gaps for Coaches
    People working towards coach accreditation ‘don’t know what they don’t know’ until they start to look for clients and need to keep themselves planned and organised, all while protecting confidentiality and complying with GDPR.
  • Cost Barriers to Coaching
    Many people in organisations would benefit greatly from access to coaching but are prohibited mainly by cost barriers.
  • Manual Coaching Management
    Organisations managing coaching engagements often do so manually, meaning that matching and tracking engagements can be both time-consuming and can take a long time to implement from when the need arises.

Here’s a quick reminder of some key terms from the platform to help make sure you’re familiar with important standards and can navigate the engagement smoothly.

Supervision Coaching UK
Leadership Development Coaching

Additional Information

This section provides a deeper look at the topics covered in the video at the top of the page and some other useful information.

  • Challenges Finding Coaching Clients
    People working towards coach accreditation (through accredited training programmes and up to their first 100 hours of client practice and beyond) struggle to find enough ‘real world’ coaching engagements. They often end up offering a few sessions to contacts of contacts and miss out on longer engagements where there is a clear beginning, middle, and end. It takes a lot of time and effort to find even these clients, and the coaches really appreciate our service of potentially matching and connecting them with clients.
  • Training Providers Lack Clients
    Coach training providers don’t tend to find practice clients for their coaching students.
  • Knowledge Gaps for Coaches
    People working towards coach accreditation ‘don’t know what they don’t know’ until they start to look for clients and need to keep themselves planned and organised, all while protecting confidentiality and complying with GDPR.
  • Cost Barriers to Coaching
    Many people in organisations would benefit greatly from access to coaching but are prohibited mainly by cost barriers.
  • Manual Coaching Management
    Organisations managing coaching engagements often do so manually, meaning that matching and tracking engagements can be both time-consuming and can take a long time to implement from when the need arises.

The Process for the Coachee


Coaching Platform for Growth

The coachee registers, completes their profile & press 'find me a coach'.


Coaching Platform for Growth

They review the coaches profile  and send connection request to the preferred coach.


Coaching Platform UK

Once connected, the coach arranges a chemistry call. They can either progress with the coach or search for an alternative.

This is what they expect


Coaching Platform UK

When they are happy with their coach, they can get started with their sessions + sponsor engagement if applicable


Coaching Platform for Growth

The coach sends the Agreement with the details of the engagement and the goal 


Coaching Platform UK

All the coaching happens on the platform

Professional Accreditation for Coaches UK

Happy Coaching!

Enjoy your engagement and if at any point you have any additional questions do not hesitate to get in touch

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